Location-free Educational Solutions
The Mentora Digital platform opens the door to location-free, flexible and on-demand language education for students worldwide. Used in Mentora Language Schools around the world, Mentora Digital features integrated digital versions of all Mentora Publishing language learning resources while offering students access to live, online language lessons with qualified English teachers. Students may also access Mentora Assessment language exams and performance reports via the platform.
Mentora’s Language School in the Cloud
Mentora Digital is truly a “school in the cloud”, offering students in the Mentora K-12, Mentora Academic, and Mentora Professional segments access to customized programs and resources. For children and young adults, it offers enriching English language education opportunities to supplement instruction received at K-12 schools and universities worldwide. For business professionals, Mentora Digital opens doors to new career opportunities through language proficiency. It is also a valuable networking tool that allows dynamic professionals worldwide to come together in an online business community.